Alphabet-Number Mapping

Alphabet-Number Mapping

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March 1, 2025

<span class="small-caps">REMEMBER</span>


March 1, 2025

Heat Equation on Brownian Motion

September 21, 2024

I’ve just finished my undergraduate in math at the University of Washington and currently work at on formalizing consciousness and cognition. In mathematics I am currently especially interested in link/knot theory and how the wave, heat, and schrodinger’s equation behave under various conditions. I anticipate that in the near future I will get into differential geometry and magnetohydrodynamics more, both for applications to formalization of consciousness/cognition and for study as interesting mathematics in their own right.

I am currently working on developing meditation techniques for increasing working memory and fluid intelligence. Considering that existing techniques are sufficient to achieve extreme levels of pain tolerance and baseline high valence, it seems likely that there exist undiscovered practices for getting smarter in general. Historical research into increasing intelligence by psychologists could not have worked because participants had ~no theory of change in regard to intelligence in general and therefore the studies provide little evidence as to whether it is possible to make adults smarter or not.

September 21, 2024